Halloween night is guaranteed to have lots of candy, sweets, sugar, melt downs, and sugar crashes. If you go to a Halloween party, you never know what is going to be served. But it will mostly likely be sugar filled on top of the candy kids get from Trick-or-Treating. In this recipe, you can create a spooky treat that people will love! And it is a healthy alternative to all that sugar, contains a healthy fat, and can slow the absorption of sugar in your little one later on.
Red Organic Apples Sliced
Smooth Organic Peanut Butter (or Organic Almond Butter)
Baby marshmallows
Slice the apples and let the red apple skin be the "lips."
Spread peanut butter on one side of each apple slice.
Cut baby marshmallows in half.
Place a row of marshmallows onto the apple slice.
Arrange on a serving tray so two slices come together to make a spooky mouth full of teeth!

This is sure to be a hit at your Halloween party. Or something fun to serve to your kids before they go Trick-or-Treating.
After Halloween is over, what are we supposed to do with all that candy? Here are 7 MOM HACKS to make your Halloween a little healthier:

MOM HACK #1 I like to look through my son's candy and see if there is anything good for decorating a gingerbread house. We usually do one every December, so this makes a great way to start building up my stash. Things like Smarties, Twizzlers, Starburst, Jolly Ranchers, Peppermint Discs, or gumballs. Mostly non-chocolate items work best for this.
Have you heard of the "Switch Witch?" She is a witch that comes to take away all the candy and "switch" it with a toy. I am so doing this! I have already started planting seeds with him about her coming to visit on November 1st. We'll see how it goes! You can get your book here: #ad

MOM HACK #3: Check with your local dentist, but some dentists collect candy by the pound in exchange for toys or money. Use this incentive to keep your kid's teeth clean and white for the tooth fairy this year.
MOM HACK #4: Teach your child about giving to others who are less fortunate than we are. Let them know some kids are not able to go Trick-or-Treating. Take a field trip together to your local food bank and donate their candy. They can see how good it feels to do something nice for the community.

MOM HACK #5: If you have a child with a November or December birthday, save their candy to be used in their pinata for their birthday party. Or sprinkle some into the goodie bags you give out as party favors.
MOM HACK #6: For any of the chocolate candies, you can freeze these for future use. Once frozen, they can be crushed up using a zip top bag and a wooden spoon. Then, mix them into cookie batter next time you bake instead of chocolate chips. Oooh! How about crushed Reese's Peanut Butter cup cookies? This could get dangerous! Hershey kisses, M&Ms, Snickers, Mr. Goodbar, or basically anything with chocolate could work well for this. Or crush these yummy chocolate confections to use as cupcake toppings the next time you need to bake for your child's school bake sale.
MOM HACK #7: After all these Mom Hacks, if you STILL have some candy leftover, bag it up! Take it to your work. Or send it with your husband to his work. The sooner it is out of the house, the better! Happy Halloween everyone!
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